In the fast-paced world a thriving company culture is key to long-term success, with effective communication at its core. Despite the abundance of communication platforms, many organizations struggle to deliver messages clearly, which can...
The Prism brings together a fragmented landscape of assessments, talent management, employee development, and much more.
Setting team goals for work is essential to achieving anything as a team. Here’s 6 steps to set your team on a course for greater success.
How to achieve a broader, deeper and unbiased view of the organizational talent pool for the Future of Healthcare.
Emotional, Relational and Team intelligence (ERTi) is a driver of personal and career success. Devin Singh, Ph.D. — Professor, Executive Coach and SurePeople Certified Practitioner — shares two foundational practices for increasing Emotional intelligence...
Step away from crisis and towards your people. Bill O’Brien PhD shares five steps and key insights for team leaders. The Care Call is an activity designed to temporarily step away from managing a...
Business leaders, front-line managers and HR teams increasingly are leveraging psychometric data to measurably elevate individual, team and organizational performance. This is the first in a series of articles about the role of Prism...
Empathy requires skill. It is manifested in action. SurePeople Founder and CEO Niko Drakoulis reflects on the power of empathetic leadership and shares three essential skills for leading teams through challenging times.
Executive Summary: Healthcare organizations and their leaders are facing a series of unprecedented crises and challenges. Some 50 percent of all physicians and nurses are experiencing symptoms of professional burnout, and turnover rates for...
The power of emotion plays a large part in our daily lives. How we feel at a given moment can impact our ability to think, reason and act. Emotions in this way tend to...
Over 90% of executives rated soft skills as a critical priority. Here is a list of soft skills with quick tips to further develop them.
To optimize your remote team for performance, first understand where your people are at — physically and metaphorically. SurePeople Founder and CEO Niko Drakoulis shares five keys for engaging, aligning and leading remote teams....
Many factors contribute to symptoms of burnout. Bill O’Brien PhD shares some important strategies for building trust with your team members and managing conversations about burnout. Today, teams are under great pressure to innovate,...
One of the world’s top ultra-endurance athletes – James Lawrence, the “Iron Cowboy” – sits down with SurePeople’s Andy Stankiewicz, EVP Marketing & Communications, to discuss leadership, mastering the mind and achieving life’s most...
Redefining Talent Development This is the second in a series of articles about Prism psychometrics featuring top HR leaders and practitioners. To read Part 1, see The Role of Prism Psychometrics in People Analytics...
Leadership resides at all levels of the organization, whether in a formal title or not. As a result, we need to expand the box on our thinking about what capabilities all leaders need to...
Devin Singh, Ph.D. — Professor, Executive Coach and SurePeople Certified Practitioner — shares five practical strategies that draw on Emotional, Relational and Team intelligence (ERTi) for teambuilding in the new, dynamic work environment. Team building and creating a sense...
To excel in your career, you'll need to develop not only emotional intelligence, but relational and team intelligence as well.
Conflict is omnipresent and inevitable, lurking within the shadows of each corner along the road of life. It’s unavoidable even when we seek to avoid it. Whether with colleagues or family, in circles professional...
The types of leadership skills needed today are less about what you’re doing, and more about who you’re being.
We had the honor of serving as a patron sponsor of the Hispanic Federation’s 2018 Annual Gala in New York City.
Work with Life The spiraling storm of the Great Reshuffle still thunders across the world of work, forcing employees and employers alike to grasp onto the slippery concept of work-life balance. For instance, the restaurant industry...
Find Assertiveness Between Passivity and Aggression Following the tumultuous waves of the Great Resignation—or the “Great Reshuffle,” as it’s come to be known—many of us have challenged the idea of what is against what can be. Maybe...
Build Anew Change is never easy. It is difficult to accept and challenging to experience. But if recent times have taught us anything, it’s that versatility is not an option–it’s a need. The ability to...
Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica Fear of technology and its supposed imminent rise to prominence has long lingered in our collective consciousness. Though perhaps most famously displayed in Hollywood theatrics ranging from the explosive battles...
This is the Way…of Work Our workplaces have evolved more rapidly than we could ever have anticipated. Consequently, the way we work must also evolve. Whereas once we would have physically seen the colleagues...
I learned the importance of building interpersonal relationships at work very early on in my career. Here are some effective ways to help you start.
“People are your most important asset.” It’s a cliche we know all too well. But is it something we truly make a priority?
Emotional, Relational and Team intelligence (ERTi) is a driver of personal and career success. Devin Singh, Ph.D. — Professor, Executive Coach and SurePeople Certified Practitioner — shares five foundational practices for increasing Team intelligence...
The Hybrid Workscape Our organizations, our offices—our teams—are often made up of very diverse individuals. As delineated by the AAUW and reports from others such as the Pew Research Center, our workforce is now more diverse than...
Team dysfunction is costly, resulting in a 50-70 percent project failure rate. Devin Singh, Ph.D. — Professor, Executive Coach and SurePeople Certified Practitioner — shares three ways for leaders and managers to avoid team...
The Curious Case of Productivity The battle for employee productivity and retention has been waged since far before the Great Reshuffle. Eons ago, back in the early 2000s, retail giant Best Buy had endured...
Your Big Picture Think big! See the big picture! Pecking at our ability of foresight (or lack thereof) comes these expressions, accentuated by the dreaded interview question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?”...
To Face a Dragon The topic of mental health can sometimes feel like some dark entity, a seething dragon lurking within the shadowy caverns of our mind. To face it, some of us may...
CHICAGO — (BUSINESS WIRE) — SurePeople, an integrated talent management platform that utilizes people analytics to deliver next-gen leadership and team development solutions, today announced a partnership with Harvard Business Publishing that provides leaders...
Some leaders may look to policy changes to address the problem—wear your jeans, bring your pets, bring in a foosball table for the lounge.
Making time for meditation and self-reflection will aid you in your growth in mindfulness and, in turn, your emotional intelligence.
Artificial Companionship As a society, we’ve largely come to rely on our technology and devices to fill in for connectiveness and community. We assign human attributes like names to digital assistants or even vehicles....
Coaching and mentorship programs are critical for professional growth and organizational development, research continues to show. Coaches and mentors are uniquely positioned to help employees, managers and executive leaders increase their effectiveness and impact....
Prism® Stories: Powerful Pamela As part of an ongoing series, we shall intermittently surface stories through the lens of Prism: Pamela’s days were filled with action and purposeful movement dedicated to the many projects...
The Distributed Team Working in a team isn’t always easy. Oftentimes we may feel that we’re doing more than our fair share and dragging dead weight across the finish line. Such is the fear...
The Fall of Aristotle Though recent events like the Great Reshuffle helped emphasize the necessity of psychological safety, the concept has existed since the 1960s and saw a resurgence when researcher Amy Edmonson detailed...
Emotional, Relational and Team intelligence (ERTi) is a driver of personal and career success. Devin Singh, Ph.D. — Professor, Executive Coach and SurePeople Certified Practitioner — shares three foundational practices for increasing Relational intelligence...
You Are the Magic 8 Ball The utterance of “That’s not my job” or its companion phrase, “That’s not in my job description” are inevitable. Perhaps we ourselves have muttered these very same words....
Creativity is within everyone. Most of us have some talent or knack that’s uniquely us and definitively original. We pay it time and attention to cultivate and practice into a skill that brings personal...
It’s easy to get stuck in our ways and firmly cling to our plans and ideas, but the currents of life don’t always go the way we imagine. Winds change, things happen, and our...
The Screens Between Us, Part I From the advent of electricity to sliced bread and beyond, technology has evolved to make our lives more convenient. The Internet in particular has significantly changed the ease...
Highway From the Danger Zone, Part 1 Summer is in full swing, kids are out of school, and a season of celebration is upon us. From recent Father’s Day to upcoming Independence Day, we glide along...
Take responsibility. A simple yet elusive concept. Finger-pointing and insistence on blamelessness proliferate our modern society. “It wasn’t me–it was them!” is often seen more so than “It was me; I’m sorry.” Owning our...
Have you ever been tongue-tied in a moment when it mattered most? Perhaps a situation suddenly presented itself where you felt like you could finally speak your mind or make a critical point, only...
NEW YORK, September 26, 2023 ( Odgers Berndtson US and SurePeople are reinventing Executive Onboarding with the launch of a groundbreaking new program leveraging SurePeople’s award-winning platform, powered by the Prism® psychometric algorithm and Harvard...
With more than 40 years of corporate global practitioner experience, Zimmerman possesses deep expertise across talent strategy, leadership development, coaching, succession, onboarding, team effectiveness, employee engagement, and organizational design and development. CHICAGO, IL –...
The Flowers Along the Way With so much going on around us, it can seem hard to pause for a quick breather. But it’s in those intermittent pauses that we can discover moments of...
What does it mean to drive action? At its very core, the ability to drive action simply refers to one’s ability to take action. We may find ourselves unable to make a decision due...
When we’re left feeling like our world is unresolved, the effects on our emotional psyche can be destabilizing. Anxiety, stress, and despondency can quickly become all-consuming when we no longer see the outcomes that...
The Silent Hero, Part 2 At the edge of words, perhaps disguised by practiced tone or chosen vocabulary, lurks the ever-present shadow of emotion. Whether we’re listening to colleagues or a conversation among friends,...
The False Equation of Time & Money We are challenged by stress every day. It might even be intensified by several factors ranging from inflation to general loneliness. Such stress makes personal moments of...
Quiet Hiring & The Age of Automation Like so many things, the modern office is in a constant state of flux. So too must we be in flux, ready for imminent change around the...
Prism Stories: Amiable Amir As part of an ongoing series, we shall intermittently surface stories through the lens of Prism®: Amir was known for his warm spirit and laid-back approach to life. Because of...
It’s often engrained in us to approach goal achievement by “reaching for greatness”. Dream scenarios are the catalyst for moving us forward even when the going gets rough. However, it’s through consistent action where...
Many of us might be familiar with the notion that the only constant in life is change. Last year brought it with a resounding echo of that lesson, blasting us with drastic transformations from...
From 0 to 10 Take a deep breath and count to ten. We’ve all heard this advice at one time or another. This isn’t a call to test our aptitude for counting small numbers,...
The Screens Between Us, Part 2 In today’s world of video calls and remote work, it can be difficult to remember how to navigate the intricacies of human interaction. This era of constant communication...
Over the years, we at SurePeople have immersed ourselves in the exploration of the fields of psychology, leadership, communication, adult learning & development, human trait & behavioral theories, organizational development, data sciences, and others...
It’s not always apparent, but who we believe we are isn’t necessarily how others see us. We’re often so focused on the view we’ve created of ourselves that we overlook how we’ve built that...
The power of emotion plays a large part in our daily lives. How we feel at a given moment can impact our ability to think, reason and act. Emotions in this way tend to...
Speak Up For What’s Right Numerous stories have bubbled into our peripheral for years, whispering of workplace fear—fear of retaliation, fear of job loss. It was a bleak warning to stay within the lines....
We get out of bed in the morning, wash up, and maybe we grab breakfast before heading to work. Then we come back, do whatever chores or errands are required of us, and repeat...
Hunting for Happiness We might think of happiness as something to work towards, something achieved when we land that ideal job or move into that perfect house. Modern society has defined those as the...
Our Values are Our Culture In our modern world of work, the term “workplace culture” has become something of a buzz phrase, not entirely dissimilar to food marketers capitalizing on terms like “GMO/Antibiotic-free.” Behind...
Prism® Stories: Versatile Vikram As part of an ongoing series, we shall intermittently surface stories through the lens of Prism: Vikram loved life and people, and both seemed to love him back. His energy...
The Cure for Burnout We’ve seen in recent years that when people don’t feel valued or respected, they respond in various ways such as “quiet quitting” or “rage applying.” Many of us have even been there...
Trust, that slippery thing that is difficult to build and yet so terribly easy to break. Today, our society is plagued by the conundrum of who to trust, what to trust, and where to...
How we communicate with one another is constantly evolving. Demographic changes, social changes, and technology innovations provide new challenges and opportunities for how, when, and what we communicate. You might be surprised to learn...
Choice. A coveted luxury yet also a nettlesome nuisance. Regardless of the significance of the choices, battling between options can oftentimes bring about internal conflict. Do we order the salad or the steak? What’s...
Liar Liar If we seek understanding of a subject or situation, where do we turn? What do we trust? The TV, the Internet—hearsay? Do we venture beyond biases (ours and those of others) to...
The Fellowship of Turmoil Many of us are feeling the pinch of stress or its sinister sibling, anxiety. Economic and international pressures are far from ideal. Such uncertainty can be particularly daunting, especially if...
Focus on Unfocusing Focusing on details might seem like nitpicking, but not doing so could prove disastrous for many activities—especially with tax season upon us. As the comic book villain, the Joker once remarked, “I’m...
You may be burned out, overworked, over-stressed, or just overwhelmed. But, you’re also not alone. A Harvard Business School survey determined that the majority of working professionals give more than 50 hours per week to their...
Have you ever found yourself listening to another and realize you’re not actually hearing what they’re saying? We’re all guilty of it at one time or another. We show up but are tuned out...
Rolling With the Punches, Part 2 If battling against the odds, or even just facing off against a grueling challenge, it’s important to contemplate our strategy. What defines our success against hardship? Is it...
Is there a difference between empathy and compassion? We know that empathy is the exact opposite of apathy. If apathy is to not concern ourselves with the feelings of another, then empathy is to...
What Kind of Egg Are You? Sometimes bad economic news tends to spill over the transom. From layoffs to inflation, troubling news can fully consume our background consciousness. With that uncertainty comes feelings of...
Leadership encompasses four fundamental principles: vision, motivation, navigation, and organization. But what does that mean? Are you a leader? Are any of us leaders? Or…are we all leaders? Do we not all have visions...
There are rarely absolutes when it comes to mindset. A positive outlook can contain doubts, while a negative outlook might still embrace trickle amounts of hope. In this way, the perspectives we take are...
SurePeople’s EVP of Research and Data Science, Paul Tsagaroulis, discusses the importance of using people intelligence to assist leaders in optimizing their teams and transforming their organizations. Businesses rely on high-performing leaders and their...
Prism® Stories: Precise Pablo Everyone who knew Pablo appreciated him for his quiet care, thorough work, and systematic approach to life. At social gatherings, he was never the loudest voice in the room but...
A Sherlock of Others, Part 1 To succeed in both our professional and social worlds, we must play well with others. The need to expertly tread the multifaceted arena of human interactions is crucial...
In the current global context, there’s never been a better time to challenge yourself to make a change you’ve been pining for. Sheltering in place doesn’t mean you have to stop progressing or put...
The Tetris of Onboarding Many organizations and leaders have varying perspectives and practices around team development and recruitment. While some allow for flexibility, congruous with the work-life balance desires of many workers today, others cater...
You might be surprised to learn that we’re twice as motivated by the feelings of loss than we are by the potential of gains. This means that we’re much more likely to react and...
We don’t always get our way, or what we want. This fact of life is summarized in dozens of different idioms from “you win some, you lose some” to “agree to disagree” and–the greatest...
The Dunes of Disagreement Times of political stress render civility as scarce as water on the desert planet Arrakis of Dune. Delineated here by SHRM, workplace etiquette tends to plummet in the wake of charged political...
How do we inspire others towards great moments, movements, and causes? How do leaders truly move people? Rallying communities towards greater ideals has become more and more ubiquitous. With services like GoFundMe and Kickstarter,...
What do Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Robin, and Spider-Man have in common? All of these renowned characters are the product of exceedingly impactful mentors. Everyone knows the ability of a hero to harness and...
Summer Skill Series: Social Awareness What is Social Awareness? Social awareness is the ability to pick up on social cues and the moods of others. It’s a particular perceptiveness that allows us to read...
Summer Skill Series: Patience What is Patience? Take a deep breath and count to ten—we’ve all probably heard this ubiquitous bit of advice at some point. Despite seeming like an obvious call to action,...
When was the last time you felt a need to give someone feedback? Usually, the need arises when you experience a strong emotional response to another’s actions. A peer who surprises you with news...
Goals don’t work. Shocking but true. In fact, according to Scott Adams, author of How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big, “If you study people who succeed, you will find that most...
Summer Skill Series: Appreciation & Recognition What is Appreciation & Recognition? We all want to feel valued in some way or another. But instead of waiting for recognition to come to us, we should...
Awkward situations are unavoidable. We’ve probably all been there—that first high school dance, where we’re not sure who to mingle with, or even how to mingle. Next thing we know, we’ve dragged ourselves to the distant...
Can we guess what’s going to happen next? How about when watching a romantic comedy? A Marvel superhero film? What about when we see someone eating a sandwich at the beach, with seagulls flying...
The “Golden Rule,” is the age-old adage that insists we should treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated in return. The principle is simple; we all wish to be treated fairly...
Your Prism Portrait started your journey of introspection by allowing you to declare the most important aspects of yourself. In turn, you uncovered crucial information that allows you to think and reflect on who...
A Sherlock of Others, Part 2 Nonverbal expressions and cues are a telltale means of interpreting the impact of words or situations on others. Emphasis on the importance of gestures and expressions has prevailed...
You’ve done so much arduous work Staying past your scheduled out time, ruminating upon how best to approach the project when next you clock in, dedicating so much mental real estate to the tasks...
You’re not perfect. To be fair, though, none of us are. Perfection shouldn’t be the goal, either. The quest towards perfection is always riddled with failure while the path towards better is always lined...
We all have 24 hours in a day. So why does it sometimes seem like others are getting more accomplished than we are? We’re working, maybe parenting or trying to make time for friends–but...
The Silent Hero, Part 1 Voices waft into the air around us, expressing joys or sorrows. They tell of new information or sudden challenges. We listen without comment. No words are needed, after all....
Whether we look to the new year with eager anticipation or teeth-clenching apprehension was–and still is–up to us all individually. Our nerves might be frayed as we try to strategize for what may or may...
We all experience pressure. It naturally ebbs and flows throughout our day-to-day lives and manifests itself in moments of change. Stress affects us all differently and we approach it with varying degrees of concern....
There’s a thin line between how we think and how we feel. Our emotions are so closely tied to our thoughts that there’s often confusion about which led to which first. Over time, we...
20,000 Leagues of Personality, Part 1 The pressure is certainly pushing down on us, unrelenting with its menacing tides and the seemingly perpetual flotsam of inflation and the housing crisis. To help ourselves and our...
Summer Skill Series: Awareness of Others’ Needs What is Awareness of Others’ Needs? The “Golden Rule”—the age-old adage that we’ve all heard a thousand times over—insists that we should treat others as we would...
Trust is the foundation of all healthy and productive relationships. In trusting relationships, people build upon each other’s ideas and successes. They listen as allies, not as adversaries. They find joy in being themselves...
No matter the job you have, the role you play is to create opportunity for others. Everyone’s individual output takes place as one component of a larger process that’s meant to be beneficial for...
When it comes to time, we typically think about how little of it we have. Our duties and responsibilities often consume our day’s focus with little room left to break free of old routines....
We may not always be in charge of our decisions as much as we’d think. Emotions play a critical role and often hijack the process without our knowledge. We can sometimes be too impulsive...
“Control freak.” Perhaps we know someone who’s been called one. Perhaps we’ve been called one. If we are constantly stressed by tasks at work or thinking about errands at home, when do we rest?...
Change is ever-present. It’s always right around the corner, a few moments past having occurred, and currently in the midst of happening. While it’s widely discussed and often overly stated, there’s a reason why...
The advent of digital communication has, for years, allowed us as a people to build bridges across vast distances between faraway family and friends. This digital bridge saw more travelers than ever before during...
When it comes to motivation, our relationships can have a huge impact on our self-drive. The closer a relationship is, the more potential it has to either propel us forward or hold us back....
The new year is here and we’ve probably decided on a resolution to pursue for 2022. Wonderful! Maybe that resolution is to achieve a promotion or raise. Maybe it’s to finally fix that leaky...
It isn’t a secret that last year brought with it a glaring focus on how lonely we as adults might really be. Quarantine and necessary distance forced some of us to take an entirely...
We are complex, multi-dimensional, and different from each other. We’re driven by a spectacular array of motivations and held back by a daunting amount of obstacles. As human beings, we’re spirited, autonomous, and unpredictable....
Rolling With the Punches, Part 1 Over the past couple years, we’ve all heard the buzzword “resilience.” The term has often been used in reference to healthcare and “essential” workers. Yet resilience applies to...
Our mountain of tasks won’t erode itself. But crossing that mountain might seem like an arduous quest, the mountain perpetually casting its dominating shadow over our steps, permeating our days with its sinister, unrelenting...
Cultivating the Secret Garden Within, Part 1 “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” This idiom depicting the struggle of self-growth has permeated society since the 1500s with its first mention in John...
Creativity doesn’t just happen. It is not timebound and doesn’t come in an on-demand format. It’s hard fought-after and earned through painstaking hours, days, and weeks of preparation. In everyone you meet, there’s a...
Everyone loves an underdog. There’s something appealingly natural about cheering for the undying conviction and refusal to give in against the odds, that’s not just to defy the critics but to rise above the...
We’ve all been there at one time or another—stuck in uncertainty. It’s a scary place to be and can leave you feeling out of control, helpless, and even hopelessly burned down to the wick....
The holidays invite waves of emotions, oftentimes conflicting. Now, as we emerge through the other side of a global pandemic we find ourselves navigating global shortages and spiking inflation as we prepare to celebrate....
By nature, the world is filled with ups and downs. There are good days and there are bad just as there are wins and there are losses. The volatility of life remains the one...
Worth Over Work The word “productivity” sometimes invokes a sense of dread and menace. After all, how often is it uttered in flattering terms, connotative of praise? Usually, it’s invocative of eliciting more out...
Chillingly Quiet, Part 1 In recent months, an apparently eerie new trend has crept through the world of work. As if heralding the bite of the fall equinox, repeated in harsh tones by broadcasters,...
Be a Coach, Become a Leader How well we lead and work with others tends to correlate with how well we get along with them. Teamwork is easy when the people we work with...
When you think about personal success, what does it mean to you? Do you picture yourself with a promotion or with the ability to make a significant impact in the world? If success means...
Relational intelligence (R-i) is best expressed as emotional intelligence turned outward and is best experienced when it’s shared between two people. R-i is defined as the ability to manage human interactions with authenticity, empathy,...
Let’s take a moment to reflect on our professional and personal achievements over the past few years. While those years might have been extraordinarily challenging, are we still able to identify blossoming accomplishments made...
The Race to Nowhere People-centric leadership is an idea often praised; its absence often felt. It’s an absence poignantly noticed when encountering an unnecessary hurdle while simply doing a job, when having to wait...
Last week, athletes from around the world joined together in Tokyo Japan to wave their nations’ flags in representation of their home countries during the opening ceremonies of the 32nd Olympic Summer Games. For...
Summer Skill Series: Release Control What is Releasing Control? If our thoughts are exclusively devoted to things that we have to take care of, whether they be work issues or other errands that always...
Summer Skill Series: Relationship Building What is Relationship Building? From the commercialism of romantic tropes to the necessity of cohesiveness between work colleagues, our relationships and the quality thereof have often been a nuanced...
Positive and long-lasting change doesn’t just happen. It takes focus and revisitation. It takes an optimistic attitude and a real understanding that hard things come before good things. Development and growth are always available...
Teams are like organizational DNA, the basic building blocks of collaboration. But for teams to perform at their best, everyone involved has to work together to generate and sustain a sense of shared purpose,...
“What was I thinking?” This nagging question inevitably slices across our thoughts now and again. Did we buy that snazzy new car while our old car was just fine? Did we cheat on our...
It can happen in an instant. You’re talking with a teammate, and without really thinking, you comment on something you like or dislike. To your surprise, the person you’re speaking with has a strong...
Summer Skill Series: Feedback What is Feedback? To develop ourselves and the people around us, we must turn to the pivotal—though sometimes overlooked—practice of feedback. We’ve all seen and perhaps even experienced the most...
Highway From the Danger Zone, Part 2 Having spent the past weekend celebrating with loved ones, many of us are perhaps just now returning to our regular routines. Maybe we dove right back in—or we’re listlessly...
The power of emotion plays a large part in our daily lives. How we feel at a given moment can impact our ability to think, reason and act. Emotions in this way tend to...
The Masks We Wear, Part 1 Gone is the glimmer of spring. Vanished is the tranquility of summer. Soon will come the festivity of winter. But first are the ghouls of October. Cut in...
Whether it’s through work or side interests, almost everybody has played a part in a team. In fact it’s part of our natural condition to come together in groups and function as one. It’s...
Emotional intelligence (E-i) is all about being aware of and managing your own emotions. It means being able to identify the emotional states that you experience while understanding how those emotions—and the way that...
Villainy vs. Humanity The bosses we’ve seen depicted during childhood, those like Cosmo Spacely of The Jetsons, Mr. Slate of The Flintstones, Mr. Burns of The Simpsons, and so many others may all be caricatures of a...
In a time when we’re progressively addressing division and bias more openly, there are still public and private moments that serve as a reminder that we might not be as far along as we’d...
Collaboration in Isolation We find ourselves simultaneously more connected yet disconnected than ever before. The open-door policies of old have become intensified. While we may not be able to casually wander over to someone’s...
For as similar as we are, it’s amazing how differently our minds work. It’s almost humorous how we can naturally shape diverse perspectives on the same subject when provided identical information. These small differences...
Team intelligence (T-i) is Emotional Intelligence applied in a team setting. It is unique because teams come together to achieve a specific purpose through shared vision and goals. Because fulfilling that purpose relies on...
Chillingly Quiet, Part 3 A twilight of seasons is upon us, yet the concerns of this past summer aren’t yet far behind us. The worries of burnout continue to permeate many workplaces and teams,...
Midnight Poutine Think back to the last fun moment at work. Was the work itself fun? Did the fun come from interacting with colleagues? Though the ideas of fun and work are sometimes seen...
Making education work can sometimes be difficult and is almost always an ongoing effort. However, lifelong learning and the continual search for knowledge is more than just a functional aspect of our professional lives....
Decisions come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they define great moments of our lives where we choose to go in one direction over another. Other times, a series of small choices become a...
Perhaps you’ve noticed, when it comes to judging new information objectively, people often interpret the same information in a wide array of variations. At times this seems like it can strengthen our collective approach...
It’s rare that everything and everyone together slows pace, takes pause, and finds time for reflection in perfect syncopation. This time of year has become celebrated as the exception to that rule. The holidays...
Chillingly Quiet, Part 2 As summer departs, taking with it traditional sentiments of joy and vibrancy, so does autumn descend, heralding a presumed dearth of those delights. Yet all needn’t be lost, as fall...
For the most part, we move through the structure of our days ebbing and flowing with what needs attending. When the going is good we’re faced with small choices and only minor motivational challenges....
Our Unconscious Worlds Emotional intelligence is hard. It’s one thing to recognize and manage our own emotions. It’s another thing to understand the cause of those emotions. Where emotions come from, why they take...
Curb Your Enthusiasm There are times when it feels like everything is going our way. No matter what we do, success stacks atop success, filling us with joy, optimism, and hope. The euphoria spills...
20,000 Leagues of Personality, Part 3 Our channels of communication, the waters between us, can be a placid pond or a stormy sea. While we can carefully select our personal relationships, professional relationships aren’t...
There are 3 factors that most researchers agree, combine to create burnout. Emotional exhaustion, a feeling of reduced personal accomplishment, and a sense of depersonalization. Alarmingly, burnout is a growing condition that’s been fueled...
There may be an unseen impact of working from home that many are unaware of. While office doors temporarily closed to keep us safe, our comfort with working together while remote, has increased. Within...
Summer Skill Series: Embracing Change What is Embracing Change? Change happens whether we like it or not, whether we resist it or welcome it. Fear of change doesn’t deter its arrival. Plan and strategize...
The Dog Days of Summer Summer has typically been seen as a time for trips with family and outings with friends, demonstrated by various summertime ads about destination getaways and backyard barbecues. Yet over...
Some years seem to weigh more heavily on us than others. As we enter the holiday season, one-by-one reminders like this will begin to pop up, recounting the reasons to be thankful. While it’s...
It’s been said that if you fall down seven times, you should get back up eight. The meaning in this is that bona fide growth stems from How you handle a misstep, rather than...
Summer Skill Series: Compassion What is Compassion? We know that empathy is the exact opposite of apathy. If apathy is to not concern ourselves with the feelings of another, then empathy is to care...
Make the Invisible Visible We’ve all experienced the challenge of working alongside someone who does everything differently than we do. If we’re organized, they’re chaotic. If we’re technical, they’re figurative. If we’re punctual, they’re...
When working from a distance, the challenge of collaboration can increase exponentially. Limited involvement, troublesome technology, and even varied work schedules can drive a wedge between teams. Even more, we’re starting to experience virtual...
Recently we began experiencing a massive disruption in the typical flow of work. For many, this meant sheltering in place and learning how remote work can be simultaneously fulfilling, and an incredible challenge. For...
Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to change an opinion of yourself or others? As part of our mental process, our brains use a shortcut called Confirmation Bias to fast track...
In the Absence of Trust Though the importance of personal relationships is pronounced throughout society to the point of ad nauseam, many of us experience a dearth of meaningful connections. While the decline of...
Conflict is a way of life. It’s more common than not and oftentimes it’s left only partially resolved. In general, we’ve come to accept that not all issues are worth addressing, and so we’ve...
Forming & Storming Teamwork isn’t something that just happens when a group of people gather to perform a task together. Various intricacies permeate team dynamics, many of which can be either helpful or harmful....
There are times when an act of vulnerability perfectly fits the moment. A wedding, a funeral, a long-awaited reunion, even a deeply meaningful apology are all considered socially acceptable places for showing openness. While...
Collaboration and community. These two ideals are interlinked much like the “chicken vs. egg” paradigm. The outcome of true collaboration is a sense of community. In turn, community can only be built through collaborative...
The truth is that each one of us is biased. We look at the world through our own lens of experience. The needs, interests, values and beliefs that form our identities, may be what...
Leadership Development (Post Covid-19) U.S. companies spend a staggering $14 billion annually on leadership development, according to industry research analyst Josh Bersin. So what has this investment produced? Only 14% of CEOs say they...
Where anger resides, trust has been broken and values have been breached. Where fear arises, safety and stability have seemingly disappeared. And when exhaustion takes hold, the pain of endurance has set in. Sometimes...
Brave New Shores Now is the time we begin to ponder what direction to steer our teams. For some, the past two years yielded a boost in productivity with the embrace of remote and hybrid workspaces....
Empathy goes beyond simply offering a willing ear. It’s about sensing and imagining how others feel in a way that enables us to listen, demonstrate care and build meaningful relationships—all of which foster an...
Malfunction Junction Collaborative work is essential to most endeavors we undertake, whether we’re launching new products, helping patients, or winning championships. Collaboration helps us work smarter, come up with innovative ideas, and makes us...
The Masks We Wear, Part 2 Blood boils, vision turning red. Or stomachs get queasy, nerves turning to mush. This is conflict and Gotham City, haunting ground of the Batman and similar mascots of...
Trust develops in many ways. It can grow slowly over time, evolving out of consistency and met expectations. Inversely, trust can form in an instant, growing from a single response or act that creates...
All too often, the approach we take towards relationships follows a predictable and routine pattern. Over years of learned behavior through successes and failures, we carve out our own unique style. In this, we...
Perpetuating Merriment Gratitude and how we express it has always been important, and not just for those we express it to, but also for ourselves. By now, it’s well-known that expressing gratitude makes us...
Emotions & The Shape of Reality For many of us, emotions shape our realities. They play a large role in our view of a particular person, place, or situation. If we were especially hungry...
CHICAGO, IL – December 27, 2022 – SurePeople, a technology innovator specializing in People Science, today announced that it has won three 2022 Gold Excellence in Technology awards from Brandon Hall Group in the categories of...
Trust is the foundation of collaboration. Trust is also what allows teams to be honest about breakdowns or dysfunction. It allows us to express concern about looming problems, give feedback to higher-ups, and to...
Perception is Not Reality Amongst the persistence of balancing work and life routines exists the great challenge of balancing relationships. With work and life feeling more intertwined than ever before, the necessity to weigh...
We all wear one. Our masks are the protections we employ to keep ourselves safe from the outside world. They catch imperfections and filter out the unwanted while allowing others to come in a...
The promising new frontier of remote work has collided with the stark reality of an always-on lifestyle. Many are experiencing long hours, meetings that run one into the next, phone calls past “typical” working...
For the most part, we as humans are naturally helpful and supportive of one another. We band together to solve complex problems, look out for one another, and go to great strides individually to...
Introduction Emotional intelligence is carried through an organization “like electricity through wires,” wrote Daniel Goleman two decades ago in the Harvard Business Review. “To be more specific, the leader’s mood is quite literally contagious,...
We often see people in terms of their talent. A professional athlete, a creative artist, a thought-provoking author, a proficient business professional. But what makes a person truly unique and stand out from their...
The Right Fit How we integrate and interact with the people around us might largely depend on personality, both theirs and ours. This is true in personal relationships as well as professional. Despite the...
Sitting aside a fire in a rustic cabin alongside a mountain lake elicits different emotions than strolling the busy sidewalks of Times Square. The impact an environment has on our attitudes, behaviors, and overall...
We are in uncharted territory. As each of us strives to navigate significant turbulence and uncertainty, there is one constant that remains true: no one is an island unto themselves. The person you are...
Cultivating the Secret Garden Within, Part 2 “Not the sharpest tool in the shed.” This expression is as ubiquitous as any, yet it perhaps misses the mark. We aren’t necessarily born sharp, after all....
Emotions are complex. They rarely come one at a time and they often blend to create complexity. Like colors, they can be mixed and matched to create new—or separated further apart, identified by their...
Niko shares new, innovative approaches to empowering today’s leaders and their teams. SurePeople Founder and CEO, Niko Drakoulis, joins Brandon Hall Group COO, Rachel Cooke, on the Excellence at Work podcast to discuss how...
Out with the Old It’s not uncommon to blur the distinction between “stable” and “stale.” We may think that stability brings with it a lack of excitement, perhaps even outright boredom. Indeed, even our...
USA Diving coaches will leverage SurePeople’s award-winning platform – powered the Prism® psychometric algorithm – to elevate communication, accelerate athlete development, and maximize individual and team performance in advance of the 2024 Olympics in...
SurePeople Briefing (August 2022) New data-driven approaches to reducing burnout, improving resilience and increasing retention are critical to reversing longstanding health workforce (“Healthforce”) challenges. Why? For one, the staffing crisis plaguing our nation’s hospitals...
Keeping yourself focused on priorities that matter while working remotely is a challenge to be reckoned with. As we’ve adapted to the new ways of remote work, we’ve had time to experience the added...
The power of emotions plays a large part in our daily lives. Emotions can quickly push us into action, or just as quick, they can derail all of our efforts in a single moment....
Stress is the great equalizer. Even in calmer times, this condition of our daily lives can deplete energy levels, wreak havoc on our immune systems, and become a destructive force to our mental health....
When it comes to accepting new things into our lives, we may feel uncomfortable, anxious, and helpless. Uncertainty can take hold. However, not knowing what comes next, can be a great opportunity to challenge...
Our homes are no longer just a home. They’ve become our offices, movie theaters, gyms, restaurants, and coffee houses. In addition to being full-time employees during the workday, we’ve taken on responsibilities as daycare...
Change occurs as a process, not as an event. It’s often in uncertain times that we become aware that we’re in the midst of great change. Discomfort, unrest and feelings of uncertainty are the...
SurePeople’s platform provides the coaching staff with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions, and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – August 21, 2023 – SurePeople,...
The Phantom of Flexibility The evening of ghouls and ghosts draws near, yet many of us are already held in the icy grasp of despair. A palpable dread hangs in the air, saturating unfortunate...
MLB coaching staffs, players and front offices are using SurePeople’s real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – February...
Don’t hold back. There’s not a day that goes by where inspiration doesn’t matter. Not a day where it’s not possible or doesn’t have meaning. There’s also not a moment that goes by when...
A Carol of Control & Productivity, Part 1 ‘Tis the season of jolly carols and twinkling lights. The mood of merriment is in full swing, our calendars marked by various events and get-togethers. We...
From Me to We Powerful personality types are all around us, within our families, our social circles, and our teams at work. While each of these areas is equally subject to the impact of...
Across the world right now, millions of people just like you are adjusting to new ways of life and work. In the midst of this historic moment, mindsets about self-preservation have gradually given way...
Click here to read the thorough report on mental health and the student athlete experience. “Playing a sport in college, honestly, feels like playing fruit ninja with a butter knife. There are watermelons and...
Florida Gators coaches will leverage SurePeople’s award-winning platform – powered by the Prism® psychometric algorithm – to elevate communication, accelerate student-athlete development, and maximize individual and team performance. CHICAGO, IL – December 13, 2023 –...
Coaching Capacity As part of an ongoing athletics series, we’ll surface stories about unique situations from the world of sports through the lens of Prism®: Strike three! That marks the sixth loss in a row....
Turn Up The Heat As the Texas Rangers find themselves on the grand stage of the World Series, the pressure cooker of high-stakes baseball mirrors the stress many of us encounter in our daily...
Click here to read the thorough report on mental health and the athlete experience. “Stress-related illnesses are extremely common in professional sports, and they are becoming more so as the pressures on athletes increase”...
SurePeople’s platform provides FIU baseball coaching staff with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – March 2, 2023 –...
Roads Not Taken The end of the year is almost upon us. This is typically a time when we look back and take stock of the year’s accomplishments—or what we missed along the way....
The Hidden Luminescence in Obsolescence While concerns of artificial intelligence and its place in our workplaces remain prominent, notably evidenced by this year’s writer’s strike, a gradual osmosis may yield unexpectedly positive results, delineated here by the...
SurePeople’s platform provides the men’s basketball and the softball coaching staffs with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL...
Harnessing the Power of Emotional, Relational and Team Intelligence (ERTi) There’s growing recognition among leaders, researchers and educators that Emotional, Relational, and Team intelligence (“ERTi”) is critical to personal and professional success. In fact, many...
Imposters Among Us Who we are as individuals is a sometimes-complicated line of thought. For many of us, who we are depends on what we are. Our careers can often become the foundation of...
Perchance to Dream Stability isn’t easy to come by, especially as economic pressures continue to rack our teams. It’s no secret that the bulk of our workforce, millennials and Generation Z, face particularly daunting...
Embrace Stress, Find Success Though stress is often seen as a drain on our health, happiness, and productivity, it can also yield positivity. Like drawing diamonds out of pressurized carbon, stress can reshape us...
Cultivating the Secret Garden Within, Part 3 “People don’t change,” goes the old saying. It might be more accurate to suggest that we can’t change someone else. Change, however, is indeed possible when we...
I, Human It wasn’t too long ago that many were touting Meta’s “metaverse” as the solution for virtual offices. It was proposed as offering a Sims-like workplace of the future, an obvious answer to the distant-yet-connected...
Gobbling up Gratitude It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding us, as illustrated in this scene below from the sitcom The Good Place. Current economic conditions and the myriad implications thereof can certainly diminish...
Goals Beyond the Surface With a new year upon us, we may be contemplating new resolutions. Yet the previous year’s concerns and goals do not simply vanish with the flip of a calendar. Perhaps...
Work Wherever; Connect Everywhere The cost of living has increasingly become more challenging for our teams and ourselves. In response, many growing companies have opted to continue flexible and remote work models, yielding lower overhead expenses...
Stability vs. Anxiety Though pandemic concerns had ebbed by the start of the year, inflation writhes around us and a potential shadow of recession looms ahead, inspiring apprehension about coming days. Fear of the...
The MVP of Team Dynamics: Emotional Intelligence Within the spotlight of team sports exists a combination of raw grit and emotional tensity. Though athletes may appear to thrive on the idea of survival of...
Science, Spells, & Sentiments We all know people who are extremely analytical and acutely attentive to details. They are usually great at forming plans and working through tasks but can be stumped by those...
Camaraderie & Connectivity How we relate and work with others relies on our chemistry with them. How we handle our emotions can often help or harm that chemistry. Letting stress get the best of...
A Carol of Control & Productivity, Part 2 Festivity makes us merry, and happy people are usually healthy people. Reflecting on our own experiences, we probably know that the day flies by when we enjoy...
Intent to Connect How we work has changed. With more organizations and leaders embracing flexible work models, as illustrated in the latest Flex Index Report, how we connect with our teammates has similarly changed. One...
20,000 Leagues of Personality, Part 2 It’s easy to feel detached, maybe even isolated in modern-day flexible workplaces. Communication channels perhaps seem muddled, not as buoyant as before. Worst still are the potentially submerged...
Amiable, Not Malleable How we discover and develop relationships depends on many factors, not the least of which is our personality. This is true in both our professional and personal lives. We gain reputation...
Pioneering Self-Discovery The Fourth of July bursts onto the scene like a dazzling firework – a celebration of independence, self-reliance, and the very spirit of carving our own paths. This summer holiday isn’t just...
Jingle Bell Boundaries In the midst of glowing and glittering lights, through the milieu of merriment, may lurk a foreboding dark lump of coal. It is a lump wrought by the stress and exhaustion...
Come What May, Come What Might Though a new year can seem exciting and full of promising new adventures, for some it could also mean new fears and worries. Just as we didn’t know...
Balancing in a Blizzard Those of us with highly energetic and sociable personalities may easily thrive during this time of year. Human connection and relationships are prevalent priorities around the holidays—and both are the...
Affirmation & Motivation As part of an ongoing athletics series, we’ll surface stories about unique situations from the world of sports through the lens of Prism: Up to this point, in her career as...
Screened Apart: Isolation & Connection Navigating personal and professional relationships is seldom easy. It takes time and effort to learn each other’s nuances, a task made notably more difficult as we become increasingly separated...
The Perils of Complacency We are creatures of routine. We aspire to and covet stability. Through stability we discover comfort. But, as emphatically cautioned in Frank Herbert’s enduring Dune novels, it’s in comfort and stability that...
SurePeople’s platform provides Rangers’ managers, coaches, and staff with real-time communication coaching tools and development solutions, and the talent acquisition team with advanced analytics and powerful, precision insights about prospective talent and their potential...
Beyond the Finish Line Being an athlete or coach is a journey filled with victories, defeats, and everything in between. The pressure to perform, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and the camaraderie with teammates...
AI & HI: Equipped to Join Forces We’re witnessing a profound shift in the future of the human experience. Through the conversations surrounding the recent AI tech boom, perceptions of what intelligence is—and the role...
Business Casual The new year brings with it a new age in the modern world of work. The rise of flexible work environments has many of us rethinking how we approach work. Numerous organizations...
Finding the Humanity Within The ability to embrace change and harness disruption is not just valuable—it’s imperative. Change is often perceived as daunting, but in it lurks the secret to unlocking who we truly...
A Concoction of Connections In recent years, we’ve seen and perhaps also experienced a disconcerting trend: the decline of happiness. Despite economic growth, technological advancements, and improved living standards, many are grappling with emotional...
Attention and Connection The nature of the modern world often limits our ability to deeply connect long enough to understand how others are truly doing. We zig-and-zag in and out of commitments and conversations...
SurePeople’s platform provides Georgia coaching staff with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – February 6, 2023 – SurePeople,...
Augmenting Human Intelligence In seemingly no time at all, the topic of artificial intelligence has reached and dominated the forefront of many discussions and concerns. We worry about its speed of development against the...
Through the Forest Over the past few years, various companies like Adobe and General Electric have done away with the sometimes-dreaded blizzard of annual performance reviews, discussed here by leadership development service Lighthouse. The...
Bytes of Kindness In the evolving landscape of modern workplaces, the synergy between human resources and technology has become increasingly crucial. How we integrate advancements in technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence,...
At the Intersection of A.I. & H.I. The pursuit of continuous growth has been ingrained in our societal fabric for decades. Though we may largely refuse to acknowledge it, such pursuits are not without...
Embracing the Call At SurePeople, we believe that everyone is a leader. Whether assigned, assumed, or not yet realized—at one point or another, we all will step up to lead the way on behalf...
The Moments That Make Us Our identities are complex. Simply defined, the way we see ourselves encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that we’ve deemed important to us. However, from the perspective of...
The Unnoticed Flowers We may find ourselves pushing through our days, our weeks—maybe even our lives—as we unconsciously prioritize productivity over well-being. While such relentless drive may initially appear effective, it comes at a cost....
Analysis Paralysis With current events boiling around us, we may be feeling the burning sting of stress. Uncertainty seems to lurk around every corner, especially if we start to ponder the potential impact of...
Quicksand to Quickstep Many of us have a drive toward stability, especially if we lean toward the Precise dimension of the Prism® Portrait. Stable income, housing, friends, family, and the list goes on. We are, after...
Walking Contradictions Each of us is a complex person full of unique nuances and varying dimensions. The SurePeople Prism® empowers us to recognize and address these different dimensions, even when our personalities consist of two contradicting...
Unmasking Ourselves To some extent, we’re all walking a tightrope every day, balancing work, life, and our relationships across each. It may sometimes feel like one big blur from work to life and back...
Navigating the Ocean of Personality Our shared human experience includes confronting myriad challenges that test our resilience and our connections with others. Though some may rely on sheer determination to get through such obstacles,...
Inflation & Instability It’s no secret that our hard-earned dollars are stretched increasingly thin these days. Inflation woes have struck nearly every facet of daily life, from bills and groceries to even formerly budget-friendly...
Redefining Success For generations, the archetypal boss has been painted as a caricature of power and control, reminiscent of old Gilded Age robber barons. While these exaggerated portrayals might seem antiquated, their echoes persist...