
The War Within: Resolutions & Needs

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Goals Beyond the Surface

With a new year upon us, we may be contemplating new resolutions. Yet the previous year’s concerns and goals do not simply vanish with the flip of a calendar. Perhaps this year we’ll tackle prior goals with greater determination, or maybe we’ll take the next step in a journey toward personal progress.

Or we may yet be tackling issues spawned out of yesteryear’s Great Gloom, the sudden decline in employee well-being—unfortunately correlated with the rise of return to office demands, as discussed in this Bloomberg podcast. A resolution for daily joy and flexibility is admirable to be sure, especially in the face of adversity and challenge.

However, beyond tangible goals are intricate resolutions based on our individual personalities and the unique blind spots therein, alluded to in the video below. Whether we’re more inclined towards meticulous details or exuberant vision—or everything in between—we all have certain personality challenges. We may plan diligently only to panic when plans change. Or we may inadvertently offend people with commanding behaviors, while others might focus on goals at the unintentional expense of people.

As the quest for self-improvement is not limited to the trope of a New Year gym membership, so too are resolutions not limited to individuals alone. Our teams can also partake in this annual endeavor for well-being. Contemplate not just our pursuit of personal well-being, but mutual well-being, as growth strategist Tiffani Bova highlights in this video.

Improving individual and common well-being isn’t as elusive a goal as it may seem. When we act with integrity and kindness, we can help alleviate everyday burdens. As the SurePeople Prism® illuminates the intricacies of our unique selves, tools like the Relationship Advisor likewise cast light on the numerous nuances of those around us.

Everyone has specific fundamental needs, as delineated in this video. Conscious awareness of our needs and the needs of people in our lives can help shape better, lasting resolutions. As 2022’s Great Reshuffle was remedied by flexible work models, so too can we remedy 2023’s Great Gloom by resolving to recognize and respect not just each other, but each other’s needs.

After all, at its very core, a New Year’s Resolution is simply the annual recognition of our fundamental needs.

“The difference between what you were yesterday and what you will be tomorrow is what you do today.”
– Stephen Pierce

Do you have an idea you want to share with an empowered community of self-aware professionals? If you’d like to contribute an idea or article to ‘In The Flow of Work’ on the Evolve blog, just send us a message or submit a post to our Head of Content, Adam Schneider

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