Man with beard resting head on hand, and a woman in the foreground, both looking up at a presentation.


Insights on People Analytics, Self-Mastery, High-Performance Teams and the Future of Work

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In the Flow of Work
Pivot Out of Stagnation

Quicksand to Quickstep Many of us have a drive toward stability, especially if we lean toward the Precise dimension of the Prism® Portrait. Stable income, housing, friends, family, and the list goes on. We are, after...

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In the Flow of Work
Taking a Time-Out

The Unnoticed Flowers We may find ourselves pushing through our days, our weeks—maybe even our lives—as we unconsciously prioritize productivity over well-being. While such relentless drive may initially appear effective, it comes at a cost....

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In the Flow of Work
Conflicting Currents of Personality

Walking Contradictions Each of us is a complex person full of unique nuances and varying dimensions. The SurePeople Prism® empowers us to recognize and address these different dimensions, even when our personalities consist of two contradicting...

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In the Flow of Work
Riding the Waves of Dough and Woe

Inflation & Instability It’s no secret that our hard-earned dollars are stretched increasingly thin these days. Inflation woes have struck nearly every facet of daily life, from bills and groceries to even formerly budget-friendly...

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In the Flow of Work
Beyond Barbecues: Personal Independence

Pioneering Self-Discovery The Fourth of July bursts onto the scene like a dazzling firework – a celebration of independence, self-reliance, and the very spirit of carving our own paths. This summer holiday isn’t just...

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In the Flow of Work
The Stories That Shape Us

The Moments That Make Us Our identities are complex. Simply defined, the way we see ourselves encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that we’ve deemed important to us. However, from the perspective of...

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In the Flow of Work
Think Less, Breathe More

Analysis Paralysis With current events boiling around us, we may be feeling the burning sting of stress. Uncertainty seems to lurk around every corner, especially if we start to ponder the potential impact of...

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In the Flow of Work
The Leader Within

Embracing the Call At SurePeople, we believe that everyone is a leader. Whether assigned, assumed, or not yet realized—at one point or another, we all will step up to lead the way on behalf...

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In the Flow of Work
The Surprise of Complementary Powers

Attention and Connection The nature of the modern world often limits our ability to deeply connect long enough to understand how others are truly doing. We zig-and-zag in and out of commitments and conversations...

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In the Flow of Work
Humanly Possible

AI & HI: Equipped to Join Forces We’re witnessing a profound shift in the future of the human experience. Through the conversations surrounding the recent AI tech boom, perceptions of what intelligence is—and the role...

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In the Flow of Work
More Human & More Sure People

Bytes of Kindness In the evolving landscape of modern workplaces, the synergy between human resources and technology has become increasingly crucial. How we integrate advancements in technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence,...

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In the Flow of Work
Pecking Away at Change

Finding the Humanity Within The ability to embrace change and harness disruption is not just valuable—it’s imperative. Change is often perceived as daunting, but in it lurks the secret to unlocking who we truly...

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In the Flow of Work
Solving the Hustle Puzzle

At the Intersection of A.I. & H.I. The pursuit of continuous growth has been ingrained in our societal fabric for decades. Though we may largely refuse to acknowledge it, such pursuits are not without...

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In the Flow of Work
AI: The Surprising Sidekick

Augmenting Human Intelligence In seemingly no time at all, the topic of artificial intelligence has reached and dominated the forefront of many discussions and concerns. We worry about its speed of development against the...

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In the Flow of Work
The (Painstaking) Pursuit of Happiness

A Concoction of Connections In recent years, we’ve seen and perhaps also experienced a disconcerting trend: the decline of happiness. Despite economic growth, technological advancements, and improved living standards, many are grappling with emotional...

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In the Flow of Work
Fear is the Mind-Killer

The Perils of Complacency We are creatures of routine. We aspire to and covet stability. Through stability we discover comfort. But, as emphatically cautioned in Frank Herbert’s enduring Dune novels, it’s in comfort and stability that...

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In the Flow of Work
The Spice of Civility

The Dunes of Disagreement Times of political stress render civility as scarce as water on the desert planet Arrakis of Dune. Delineated here by SHRM, workplace etiquette tends to plummet in the wake of charged political...

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In the Flow of Work
Between the Bases: Coaching Leaders

Coaching Capacity As part of an ongoing athletics series, we’ll surface stories about unique situations from the world of sports through the lens of Prism®: Strike three! That marks the sixth loss in a row....

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In the Flow of Work
Champions of Now

Beyond the Finish Line Being an athlete or coach is a journey filled with victories, defeats, and everything in between. The pressure to perform, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and the camaraderie with teammates...

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In the Flow of Work
Coaching Beyond Bias

Affirmation & Motivation As part of an ongoing athletics series, we’ll surface stories about unique situations from the world of sports through the lens of Prism: Up to this point, in her career as...

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In the Flow of Work
From Stress to Strength

Embrace Stress, Find Success Though stress is often seen as a drain on our health, happiness, and productivity, it can also yield positivity. Like drawing diamonds out of pressurized carbon, stress can reshape us...

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In the Flow of Work
Beyond the Playbook: Emotional Intelligence

The MVP of Team Dynamics: Emotional Intelligence Within the spotlight of team sports exists a combination of raw grit and emotional tensity. Though athletes may appear to thrive on the idea of survival of...

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In the Flow of Work
Mischief Managed … Logically

Science, Spells, & Sentiments We all know people who are extremely analytical and acutely attentive to details. They are usually great at forming plans and working through tasks but can be stumped by those...

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In the Flow of Work
Life According to Precise People

Prism® Stories: Precise Pablo Everyone who knew Pablo appreciated him for his quiet care, thorough work, and systematic approach to life. At social gatherings, he was never the loudest voice in the room but...

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Company News
The Excellence at Work Podcast Welcomes SurePeople CEO Niko Drakoulis

Niko shares new, innovative approaches to empowering today’s leaders and their teams. SurePeople Founder and CEO, Niko Drakoulis, joins Brandon Hall Group COO, Rachel Cooke, on the Excellence at Work podcast to discuss how...

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In the Flow of Work
Divided by Pixels; Connected by People

Screened Apart: Isolation & Connection Navigating personal and professional relationships is seldom easy. It takes time and effort to learn each other’s nuances, a task made notably more difficult as we become increasingly separated...

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In the Flow of Work
The Chemistry Connection

Camaraderie & Connectivity How we relate and work with others relies on our chemistry with them. How we handle our emotions can often help or harm that chemistry. Letting stress get the best of...

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In the Flow of Work
Conscious Collaboration

Intent to Connect How we work has changed. With more organizations and leaders embracing flexible work models, as illustrated in the latest Flex Index Report, how we connect with our teammates has similarly changed. One...

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In the Flow of Work
The Everywhere Office

Work Wherever; Connect Everywhere The cost of living has increasingly become more challenging for our teams and ourselves. In response, many growing companies have opted to continue flexible and remote work models, yielding lower overhead expenses...

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In the Flow of Work
Embrace Change with Empathy

Come What May, Come What Might Though a new year can seem exciting and full of promising new adventures, for some it could also mean new fears and worries. Just as we didn’t know...

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In the Flow of Work
Amiability: Friendly but Firm

Amiable, Not Malleable How we discover and develop relationships depends on many factors, not the least of which is our personality. This is true in both our professional and personal lives. We gain reputation...

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In the Flow of Work
The War Within: Resolutions & Needs

Goals Beyond the Surface With a new year upon us, we may be contemplating new resolutions. Yet the previous year’s concerns and goals do not simply vanish with the flip of a calendar. Perhaps...

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In the Flow of Work
Life According to Amiable People

Prism Stories: Amiable Amir As part of an ongoing series, we shall intermittently surface stories through the lens of Prism®: Amir was known for his warm spirit and laid-back approach to life. Because of...

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In the Flow of Work
How to Guide Your Sleigh Tonight

Jingle Bell Boundaries In the midst of glowing and glittering lights, through the milieu of merriment, may lurk a foreboding dark lump of coal. It is a lump wrought by the stress and exhaustion...

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Company News
SurePeople Announces Partnership With University of Florida Track and Field

Florida Gators coaches will leverage SurePeople’s award-winning platform – powered by the Prism® psychometric algorithm – to elevate communication, accelerate student-athlete development, and maximize individual and team performance. CHICAGO, IL – December 13, 2023 –...

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Company News
Jill Zimmerman, Distinguished Executive Leader and Chief People Officer, Joins SurePeople’s Executive Advisory Board

With more than 40 years of corporate global practitioner experience, Zimmerman possesses deep expertise across talent strategy, leadership development, coaching, succession, onboarding, team effectiveness, employee engagement, and organizational design and development. CHICAGO, IL –...

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In the Flow of Work
The Merry Extrovert: Versatility & Voraciousness

Balancing in a Blizzard Those of us with highly energetic and sociable personalities may easily thrive during this time of year. Human connection and relationships are prevalent priorities around the holidays—and both are the...

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In the Flow of Work
Life According to Versatile People

Prism® Stories: Versatile Vikram As part of an ongoing series, we shall intermittently surface stories through the lens of Prism: Vikram loved life and people, and both seemed to love him back. His energy...

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In the Flow of Work
The Pitfalls of Powerful Personalities

From Me to We Powerful personality types are all around us, within our families, our social circles, and our teams at work. While each of these areas is equally subject to the impact of...

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In the Flow of Work
A Tale of Two Holidays: Greed & Gratitude

Gobbling up Gratitude It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding us, as illustrated in this scene below from the sitcom The Good Place. Current economic conditions and the myriad implications thereof can certainly diminish...

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In the Flow of Work
Life According to Powerful People

Prism® Stories: Powerful Pamela As part of an ongoing series, we shall intermittently surface stories through the lens of Prism: Pamela’s days were filled with action and purposeful movement dedicated to the many projects...

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Company News
SurePeople Announces Partnership With USA Diving

USA Diving coaches will leverage SurePeople’s award-winning platform – powered the Prism® psychometric algorithm – to elevate communication, accelerate athlete development, and maximize individual and team performance in advance of the 2024 Olympics in...

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In the Flow of Work
Robots at Work

The Hidden Luminescence in Obsolescence While concerns of artificial intelligence and its place in our workplaces remain prominent, notably evidenced by this year’s writer’s strike, a gradual osmosis may yield unexpectedly positive results, delineated here by the...

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In the Flow of Work
In The Heat of the Limelight

Turn Up The Heat As the Texas Rangers find themselves on the grand stage of the World Series, the pressure cooker of high-stakes baseball mirrors the stress many of us encounter in our daily...

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In the Flow of Work
Ghostly Gatherings: The Eerie Echo of RTO

The Phantom of Flexibility The evening of ghouls and ghosts draws near, yet many of us are already held in the icy grasp of despair. A palpable dread hangs in the air, saturating unfortunate...

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In the Flow of Work
How to Build Better Teams

Make the Invisible Visible We’ve all experienced the challenge of working alongside someone who does everything differently than we do. If we’re organized, they’re chaotic. If we’re technical, they’re figurative. If we’re punctual, they’re...

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In the Flow of Work
Teamwork: The Missing Ingredient

Forming & Storming Teamwork isn’t something that just happens when a group of people gather to perform a task together. Various intricacies permeate team dynamics, many of which can be either helpful or harmful....

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In the Flow of Work
Hiring: Opposites Attract, But Like-Minded Last

The Right Fit How we integrate and interact with the people around us might largely depend on personality, both theirs and ours. This is true in personal relationships as well as professional. Despite the...

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Company News
Odgers Berndtson US and SurePeople Join Forces to Revolutionize Executive Onboarding With Artificial Intelligence (AI), Prism Psychometrics, and World-Class Content by Harvard

NEW YORK, September 26, 2023 ( Odgers Berndtson US and SurePeople are reinventing Executive Onboarding with the launch of a groundbreaking new program leveraging SurePeople’s award-winning platform, powered by the Prism® psychometric algorithm and Harvard...

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In the Flow of Work
Assimilation or Integration?

The Tetris of Onboarding Many organizations and leaders have varying perspectives and practices around team development and recruitment. While some allow for flexibility, congruous with the work-life balance desires of many workers today, others cater...

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In the Flow of Work
Apathy Consumes Productivity

Worth Over Work The word “productivity” sometimes invokes a sense of dread and menace. After all, how often is it uttered in flattering terms, connotative of praise? Usually, it’s invocative of eliciting more out...

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In the Flow of Work
The Bosses We Don’t Want

Villainy vs. Humanity The bosses we’ve seen depicted during childhood, those like Cosmo Spacely of The Jetsons, Mr. Slate of The Flintstones, Mr. Burns of The Simpsons, and so many others may all be caricatures of a...

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In the Flow of Work
Failing Up: Hierarchy Worship

The Race to Nowhere People-centric leadership is an idea often praised; its absence often felt. It’s an absence poignantly noticed when encountering an unnecessary hurdle while simply doing a job, when having to wait...

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In the Flow of Work
The Enemies of Psychological Safety

The Fall of Aristotle Though recent events like the Great Reshuffle helped emphasize the necessity of psychological safety, the concept has existed since the 1960s and saw a resurgence when researcher Amy Edmonson detailed...

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Company News
SurePeople Announces Partnership With Siena College Men’s Basketball Program

SurePeople’s platform provides the coaching staff with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions, and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – August 21, 2023 – SurePeople,...

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In the Flow of Work
Chasing Chaos

Summer Skill Series: Embracing Change What is Embracing Change? Change happens whether we like it or not, whether we resist it or welcome it. Fear of change doesn’t deter its arrival. Plan and strategize...

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In the Flow of Work
Dial Up Connection

Summer Skill Series: Relationship Building What is Relationship Building? From the commercialism of romantic tropes to the necessity of cohesiveness between work colleagues, our relationships and the quality thereof have often been a nuanced...

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In the Flow of Work
Let it Go

Summer Skill Series: Release Control What is Releasing Control? If our thoughts are exclusively devoted to things that we have to take care of, whether they be work issues or other errands that always...

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In the Flow of Work
The Feedback Factor

Summer Skill Series: Feedback What is Feedback? To develop ourselves and the people around us, we must turn to the pivotal—though sometimes overlooked—practice of feedback. We’ve all seen and perhaps even experienced the most...

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In the Flow of Work
Learning Patience

Summer Skill Series: Patience What is Patience? Take a deep breath and count to ten—we’ve all probably heard this ubiquitous bit of advice at some point. Despite seeming like an obvious call to action,...

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In the Flow of Work
Reading People

Summer Skill Series: Social Awareness What is Social Awareness? Social awareness is the ability to pick up on social cues and the moods of others. It’s a particular perceptiveness that allows us to read...

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In the Flow of Work
Be Appreciative

Summer Skill Series: Appreciation & Recognition What is Appreciation & Recognition? We all want to feel valued in some way or another. But instead of waiting for recognition to come to us, we should...

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In the Flow of Work
Being Aware of What Others Need

Summer Skill Series: Awareness of Others’ Needs What is Awareness of Others’ Needs? The “Golden Rule”—the age-old adage that we’ve all heard a thousand times over—insists that we should treat others as we would...

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In the Flow of Work
An Exercise of Compassion

Summer Skill Series: Compassion What is Compassion? We know that empathy is the exact opposite of apathy. If apathy is to not concern ourselves with the feelings of another, then empathy is to care...

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In the Flow of Work
Inclusion Heals Loneliness

The Dog Days of Summer Summer has typically been seen as a time for trips with family and outings with friends, demonstrated by various summertime ads about destination getaways and backyard barbecues. Yet over...

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In the Flow of Work
Psychometrics: Coaching & Leadership

Be a Coach, Become a Leader How well we lead and work with others tends to correlate with how well we get along with them. Teamwork is easy when the people we work with...

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In the Flow of Work
Does Technology Make Us Lonelier?

Artificial Companionship As a society, we’ve largely come to rely on our technology and devices to fill in for connectiveness and community. We assign human attributes like names to digital assistants or even vehicles....

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In the Flow of Work
Choosing Happiness

The Flowers Along the Way With so much going on around us, it can seem hard to pause for a quick breather. But it’s in those intermittent pauses that we can discover moments of...

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In the Flow of Work
The Stigma of Mental Health

To Face a Dragon The topic of mental health can sometimes feel like some dark entity, a seething dragon lurking within the shadowy caverns of our mind. To face it, some of us may...

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In the Flow of Work
The Power of “No”

Malfunction Junction Collaborative work is essential to most endeavors we undertake, whether we’re launching new products, helping patients, or winning championships. Collaboration helps us work smarter, come up with innovative ideas, and makes us...

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In the Flow of Work
Burnout & Productivity Paranoia

The Cure for Burnout We’ve seen in recent years that when people don’t feel valued or respected, they respond in various ways such as “quiet quitting” or “rage applying.” Many of us have even been there...

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In the Flow of Work
Adapting vs. Reacting

Our Unconscious Worlds Emotional intelligence is hard. It’s one thing to recognize and manage our own emotions. It’s another thing to understand the cause of those emotions. Where emotions come from, why they take...

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In the Flow of Work
Time ≠ Money

The False Equation of Time & Money We are challenged by stress every day. It might even be intensified by several factors ranging from inflation to general loneliness. Such stress makes personal moments of...

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In the Flow of Work
The Lasso Special

Midnight Poutine Think back to the last fun moment at work. Was the work itself fun? Did the fun come from interacting with colleagues? Though the ideas of fun and work are sometimes seen...

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In the Flow of Work
The Secret Benefit of Stress

The Fellowship of Turmoil Many of us are feeling the pinch of stress or its sinister sibling, anxiety. Economic and international pressures are far from ideal. Such uncertainty can be particularly daunting, especially if...

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In the Flow of Work
Emotions Shape Experiences

Emotions & The Shape of Reality For many of us, emotions shape our realities. They play a large role in our view of a particular person, place, or situation. If we were especially hungry...

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In the Flow of Work
Rise of the Machines | Part 2

Quiet Hiring & The Age of Automation Like so many things, the modern office is in a constant state of flux. So too must we be in flux, ready for imminent change around the...

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In the Flow of Work
Rise of the Machines | Part 1

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica Fear of technology and its supposed imminent rise to prominence has long lingered in our collective consciousness. Though perhaps most famously displayed in Hollywood theatrics ranging from the explosive battles...

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In the Flow of Work
Optimism vs. Objective Awareness

Curb Your Enthusiasm There are times when it feels like everything is going our way. No matter what we do, success stacks atop success, filling us with joy, optimism, and hope. The euphoria spills...

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Company News
Mental Health & the Student Athlete Experience

Click here to read the thorough report on mental health and the student athlete experience. “Playing a sport in college, honestly, feels like playing fruit ninja with a butter knife. There are watermelons and...

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In the Flow of Work
The Correlation of Emotion and Inflation

What Kind of Egg Are You? Sometimes bad economic news tends to spill over the transom. From layoffs to inflation, troubling news can fully consume our background consciousness. With that uncertainty comes feelings of...

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Company News
SurePeople Announces Partnership With Florida International University Baseball

SurePeople’s platform provides FIU baseball coaching staff with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – March 2, 2023 –...

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In the Flow of Work
Profession vs. Identity

Imposters Among Us Who we are as individuals is a sometimes-complicated line of thought. For many of us, who we are depends on what we are. Our careers can often become the foundation of...

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Company News
Baseball Winter Meetings Showcase How SurePeople is Helping MLB Teams Improve Coaching Effectiveness and Team Performance

MLB coaching staffs, players and front offices are using SurePeople’s real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – February...

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In the Flow of Work
The Lonely Generation

In the Absence of Trust Though the importance of personal relationships is pronounced throughout society to the point of ad nauseam, many of us experience a dearth of meaningful connections. While the decline of...

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Company News
SurePeople Announces Partnership With St. Joseph’s University

SurePeople’s platform provides the men’s basketball and the softball coaching staffs with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL...

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In the Flow of Work
Stability: Then vs. Now

Perchance to Dream Stability isn’t easy to come by, especially as economic pressures continue to rack our teams. It’s no secret that the bulk of our workforce, millennials and Generation Z, face particularly daunting...

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Company News
MLB’s Texas Rangers Expand Partnership With SurePeople

SurePeople’s platform provides Rangers’ managers, coaches, and staff with real-time communication coaching tools and development solutions, and the talent acquisition team with advanced analytics and powerful, precision insights about prospective talent and their potential...

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In the Flow of Work
Stability vs. Stagnation

Out with the Old It’s not uncommon to blur the distinction between “stable” and “stale.” We may think that stability brings with it a lack of excitement, perhaps even outright boredom. Indeed, even our...

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Company News
SurePeople Announces Partnership With the University of Georgia Bulldogs

SurePeople’s platform provides Georgia coaching staff with real-time communication coaching tools, development solutions and analytics to elevate team communication, accelerate athlete development and improve talent evaluation analysis. CHICAGO, IL – February 6, 2023 – SurePeople,...

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In the Flow of Work
Fearmongering vs. Fact-Checking

Stability vs. Anxiety Though pandemic concerns had ebbed by the start of the year, inflation writhes around us and a potential shadow of recession looms ahead, inspiring apprehension about coming days. Fear of the...

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In the Flow of Work
The Ergonomics of Relationships

Perception is Not Reality Amongst the persistence of balancing work and life routines exists the great challenge of balancing relationships. With work and life feeling more intertwined than ever before, the necessity to weigh...

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In the Flow of Work
Open (Virtual) Door Policy

Collaboration in Isolation We find ourselves simultaneously more connected yet disconnected than ever before. The open-door policies of old have become intensified. While we may not be able to casually wander over to someone’s...

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In the Flow of Work
Beyond the Cubicle, Part 2

I, Human It wasn’t too long ago that many were touting Meta’s “metaverse” as the solution for virtual offices. It was proposed as offering a Sims-like workplace of the future, an obvious answer to the distant-yet-connected...

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In the Flow of Work
Beyond the Cubicle, Part 1

Business Casual The new year brings with it a new age in the modern world of work. The rise of flexible work environments has many of us rethinking how we approach work. Numerous organizations...

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In the Flow of Work
Santa vs. Scrooge

A Carol of Control & Productivity, Part 2 Festivity makes us merry, and happy people are usually healthy people. Reflecting on our own experiences, we probably know that the day flies by when we enjoy...

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Company News
SurePeople Wins Three Gold Excellence in Technology Awards From Brandon Hall Group

CHICAGO, IL – December 27, 2022 – SurePeople, a technology innovator specializing in People Science, today announced that it has won three 2022 Gold Excellence in Technology awards from Brandon Hall Group in the categories of...

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In the Flow of Work
Work-Life Balance? Bah Humbug!

A Carol of Control & Productivity, Part 1 ‘Tis the season of jolly carols and twinkling lights. The mood of merriment is in full swing, our calendars marked by various events and get-togethers. We...

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In the Flow of Work
The Feedback Compass, Part 3

Brave New Shores Now is the time we begin to ponder what direction to steer our teams. For some, the past two years yielded a boost in productivity with the embrace of remote and hybrid workspaces....

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In the Flow of Work
The Feedback Compass, Part 2

Through the Forest Over the past few years, various companies like Adobe and General Electric have done away with the sometimes-dreaded blizzard of annual performance reviews, discussed here by leadership development service Lighthouse. The...

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Power Skills to Maximize Healthcare Leader and Manager Effectiveness

Harnessing the Power of Emotional, Relational and Team Intelligence (ERTi) There’s growing recognition among leaders, researchers and educators that Emotional, Relational, and Team intelligence (“ERTi”) is critical to personal and professional success. In fact, many...