
The Role of Prism Psychometrics in People Analytics

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Leadership Development (Post Covid-19)

U.S. companies spend a staggering $14 billion annually on leadership development, according to industry research analyst Josh Bersin. So what has this investment produced?

  • Only 14% of CEOs say they have the leadership talent to execute their business strategies with leadership bench strength its lowest in years, according toileting DDI.
  • Business case for diversity grows stronger, yet real progress is slow, according to McKinsey.
  • Harvard’s 2018 leadership development survey found 75% of LD execs surveyed felt program effectiveness was not improving.
  • Focus on Top of the House. Need to expand view of leadership and start developing leadership potential earlier.
  • Teams two-thirds believe a new leadership model is needed;
  • And, 82% of employees rank their leaders as fundamentally uninspiring.

“When it comes to leadership development, things need to change and there is no compelling reason to hang on any longer to what we’ve done in the past. The approaches we’ve been using to develop leaders could even be generating a negative return on investment.”

Man with beard resting head on hand, and a woman in the foreground, both looking up at a presentation.

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